Truth Jihad Radio Mon. 10/10/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio (archived here.) Call-in number: (402) 237-2525 or post your questions to my Facebook page.
Eric Walberg, author of Postmodern Imperialism, and Allen Roland, the charismatic & positive-energy-exuding psychotherapist and media pundit, address the questions raised by the feds’ bragging about their alleged treasonous murder of Anwar al-Awlaki.
“The real reason (al-Awlaki) and Khan were targeted was because they were charismatic communicators of Islam to Western dissidents. As desperate American and European youth become radicalised by the conflicts of the post-2001 period and the endless economic crisis, they will increasingly look to the likes of Al-Awlaki who provide a simple, if deadly, solution for young people with nothing to lose.
“Just as new recruits to the Taliban spring up daily, as the US kills Afghan resistance fighters in droves, so the US will have to kill more and more people in Yemen and who-knows-where in a never-ending campaign, what US troops in Afghanistan call “mowing the grass”. And its victims will increasingly be Americans, disgusted with their own government and recognising it as the main cause of the world’s troubles today.”
Second hour guest Allen Roland:
“President Obama has blatantly not only failed to close Guantanamo Bay, as he promised, but has continued warrantless surveillance and military tribunals and still exercises his Bush inherited right to kill US citizens that he views as terrorists ~ as witness the recent drone assassination of American born US citizen Al Awlaki on September 30th in Yemen.
“Please note that no effort was made to indict Al Awlaki for any crimes despite ( a report last October that the Obama administration was “considering” indicting him). Despite substantial doubt among Yemen experts about whether he even had any operational role in Al Qaeda, despite the fact that no evidence (as opposed to unverified government accusations) was presented of his guilt. As such, this assassination of a US citizen is an act of intimidation (meant to send a message to the masses)…” –And We Thought We Were Free